Sexy and Forbidden

Contemporary Romance

Kristen Jaye writes forbidden romance that leaves you begging for more.

Her escorts will singe your sheets. And her rockstar stepbrother was too hot for Apple, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and Radish to handle…

Stephanie, Book Bub reviewer

“Fans of modern Cinderella stories like Pretty Woman are going to love this book. Kristen's smooth and easy prose lulls you into the coolest twist ever on the servant-turns-princess trope, with a heavy dose of seduction and erotica to go with..”

Caroline, Goodreads reviewer

“Holy hotness, Batman!!

This was a scorching forbidden romance read, which was also great fun..”

“So what’s on the line?” she asked.

Absolutely everything. It was my turn to swallow hard. I had to choose my words carefully. “If you win, you own me. Body and soul. I’ll surrender complete control to you.”

She practically purred. “And if I lose?”

“You give me the same thing.”

If the sun shone in Hell, it would be exactly like the glow from Gemma’s eyes. She held out her hand. “Deal.”

In the mood for cinnamon roll shifters who bring the heat? Check out her alter ego Kristen Strassel.

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